Panic Cure
/ Poems from Spain for the 21st Century
"…. It is with this [trained] ear that Gander has chosen a small group of up-and-coming poets from Spain who unselfconsciously display a multiplicity of stylistic and procedural choices beyond constraints of national and generational identifications. Many of them are translators of unfixed abode. Yet they share with Antonio Gamoneda, Olvido García Valdés, and Miguel Casado—the three established voices that open the selection—a space of writing marked by non-linear, disjunctive, de-centered, multivocal, self-reflexive, linguistic acts. Truly individual poets and poems defamiliarize the reader’s general sense of identity and affiliation in any history. A bilingual anthology only increases defamiliarization: as Miguel Casado argues, translation is 'an experience of foreignness'….
“Panic Cure can be a cure for panic and a cure by panic. In this sense, it is not a remedy, but it may bring relief to poets trying to open unpredictable poetic itineraries within a “tradition against itself,” beyond debates about the linear traditions established by literary history.”
Reviewed by Ian Brinton at TearsintheFence
Reviewed by Diana Cullell for Translation & Literature
Interview with Joshua Marie Wilkinson at Volta
See poems in poem flow
Sandra Santana at Poem Flow
Olvido García Valdés at Miami Rail
Antonio Gamoneda at LyrikLine
Juia Piera at Nth Position & at Upstairs at Duroc (France)
Miguel Casado at The Wolf, summer 2013
Benito del Pliego at Two Lines, summer 2012
Pilar Amador Fraile at Gulf Coast, spring 2012
Sandra Santana at Fence, spring 2012
Marcos Canteli at Mantis, Spring 2011
Ana Gorría at 3 AM & at Tongue: a Journal of Art & Writing, Spring 2011 & at The Wolf, summer 2013