Pinholes in the Night
/ Essential Poems from Latin America, Selected by Raúl Zurita
/ A blockbuster bilingual anthology of 18 major Latin American poets
/ Supported by The Poetry Foundation; Thanks to Ilya Kaminsky
From the introduction
This anthology of eighteen poems reflects my personal taste and represents, for me, the greatest poems written in Castilian in America. The selection begins, however, with a poem written before the imposition of Castilian. Translated from Nahuatl into Spanish by Miguel León-Portilla, it is a song by Nezahualcóyotl (1402-1472), king of the ancient Mexican city-state of Tetzcuco, and its subject is death and the brevity of life: …
Read the full goosebump-raising introduction by Raúl Zurita >
Zurita and Gander by Valerie Mejer Caso
Table of Contents & Translators
Introduction by Raúl Zurita & Nezahualcoyotl (Forrest Gander)
Gabriela Mistral
“The Fugue” (Anna Deeny)Vicente Huidobro
from Altazor (Eliot Weinberger)César Vallejo
from Spain, Take This Cup from Me(Clayton Eshleman)Pablo De Rokha
The Old Man's Song (Evan Lavender-Smith and Carmen Giménez Smith)Jorge Luis Borges
“Conjectural Poem” (Jen Hofer)Pablo Neruda
from The Heights of Macchu Picchu(Jack Schmitt)Nicanor Parra
“Soliloquy of the Individual” (Jen Hofer)Juan Rulfo
“You Don’t Hear Dogs Barking” (Ilan Stavans with Harold Augenbraum)Gonzalo Rojas
"When You Love, What Do You Love" (Rowan Sharp)Idea Vilariño
"Not Anymore" (Anna Deeny)Ernesto Cardenal
“Prayer for Marilyn Monroe” (Jen Hofer)Jaime Sabines
A Few Words on the Death of Major Sabines (Mark Schafer)Juan Gelman
Letter to My Mother (Katherine Hedeen & Victor Rodriguez Nuñez)Héctor Viel Temperley
from Hospital Británico (Stuart Krimko)Alejandra Pizarnik
from “Diana's Tree” (Anna Deeny)Antonio Cisneros
"Then in the Waters of Conchán" (Rowan Sharp)José Watanabe
“Guardian of Ice” (Michelle Gil-Montero)Gonzalo Millán
“Life” (Mark Schafer)